Coleman University is committed to equal access to facilities, programs, admission and employment for all persons. It is the policy of the University to maintain an environment free of discrimination and free of harassment against any person because of race, age, ancestry, color, national origin, religion, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, mental or physical disability, gender, perceived gender, gender identity, genetic information or political ideas and affiliations. Discriminatory conduct and harassment, as well as relationship violence and sexual misconduct, violates the dignity of individuals, impedes the realization of the University’s educational mission, and will not be tolerated.
To file a report of discrimination and sexual misconduct please contact the Title IX Coordinator at info@coleman.edu.gl. This email is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To ensure compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 regulations, the grievance procedures outlined below are applicable to non-academic student concerns and complaints which include complaints of unlawful discrimination or unfair treatment based on gender.
Stage 1 Reporting: Since grievances should be handled and settled in a timely manner, a grievance should be raised as soon as the event occurs or the student gains knowledge of it. All discrimination or harassment matters should be brought to the immediate attention of the campus president and the campus president will assist the student in completing a formal grievance form and incident report to be submitted to the Title IX coordinator. To avoid further issues, the campus president can offer an immediate resolution to ensure the student’s complaint is handled promptly. The student will be informed in writing of the next steps and be informed of the investigation process.
Stage 2 Investigation: A student has the right to have their grievance investigated and the university reserves the right to investigate reported grievances. During the investigation process, the coordinator will follow all procedures and responsibilities of Title IX to determine grounds for reporting, validity of grievance and reasonable actions to be taken by the university.
The alleged offender will be notified of a complaint filed against them via email and mailed letter. The alleged offender will have 10 days to respond to the grievance by providing a written statement. During this time, the reporter and alleged offender maybe interviewed and evidence may be requested. The process of investigation must be completed within 30 days of the report being filed and the complainant must be notified of any updates during this time.
Stage 3 University Response: The coordinator lawfully acts on the behalf of the university and all responses and reasonable disciplinary actions taken by the university are at the discretion of the coordinator. Once an investigation is completed, the campus president is notified of the actions to be taken and the complainant and alleged offender are both notified of the decision and actions being taken by the university via email and mailed letter. The complainant and alleged offender have a right to appeal the actions taken by the university in writing; this should be sent to the coordinator within 5 business days of email being sent. Should no appeal be made, the action taken will stand and be entered into the student disciplinary record of the offender.
Appeal of Disciplinary Action Taken: Should the disciplinary action taken not be found satisfactory or should the alleged offender disagree with the action taken, a written appeal can be filed and submitted to the University Compliance Office. The Compliance Office will review the information from the coordinator and may request any additional information from the complainant and alleged offender if needed. During the appeal process, the action taken by the university will stand until further notice is provided to the parties involved. The Compliance Office will take no more than 15 business days to approve or modify the decision of the Title IX Coordinator. Should the Compliance Office decide to rescind the decision, a letter of rescindment will be sent to the parties involved and filed in the student’s record.
The decision of the Compliance Office is final. Should an involved party find the decision unsatisfactory, they have the right to legal counsel. For more information or to report a sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or discrimination report to info@coleman.edu.gl.
For more information or to report a sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or discrimination report to info@coleman.edu.gl.